Women’s Business Networking

Women Building Connections

Business Referrals • Peer Support • Social Connections

For Women Leaders.

By Women Leaders.

We are a seat-specific, mutually supportive membership community of businesswomen, providing quality business referrals, peer learning and support, and social connection.

We meet weekly for a focused hour dedicated to:

  • nurturing relationships with fellow members and guests;

  • growing as leaders through peer support, focused brainstorming & problem solving, and occasional guest speakers;

  • developing strong referral networks.

If you are interested in visiting a meeting, please contact us to learn if your industry seat is available.

WHEN: Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30am

WHERE: Manhattan Pizza,

305 Matthews Drive, Holly Springs, NC

Meet our members

We meet in Holly Springs, but our members operate businesses and lead teams that stretch across the Triangle, NC (and beyond!).

Quality Referrals

At WBC, we track referrals and celebrate wins because, as Peter Drucker says, “what gets measured gets managed”. But we value genuine, quality referrals, so there’s no pressure to pass leads just to tick off the boxes!

Why Join WBC?

Invaluable Support

As women business owners and leaders, we have unique opportunities — and face unique challenges. Discover the gift of support from your sisters’ experiences and insights — and watch your life grow!

A True Sisterhood

Life can give you home runs on one day, nasty curveballs the next. As WBC sisters, we’ve had each others’ backs like family, whether with shoulders to cry on, meal trains during illness, or champagne celebrating wins.

Grow your business

As your relationships grow, you’ll benefit from an extended referral network built on trust. Our average member tenure is over 3 years, a stat that confirms our group’s commitment to quality, and our members’ success!